Saturday, September 5, 2009


gua dapet PR dari bona , temen gua dong hahaha dia tadi pagi ngirimin gua e-mail dan gua disuruh post ke blog gua , tadinya gua pengen jadiin ini Monthly Quest : September 2009 hem tapi enggak ah i have prepare for it : so , cekdisaut !

can you name 30 people you can think of right off the top of your head ? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 30 people . No Cheating !

1. gumelar
2. ai
3. wildan
4. luwi
5. bona
6. rizky darmansyah
7. amelia
8. daryliansyah
9. dena
10. arief amin
11. ani :)
12. galih pindo
13. sarah marsya
14. hemastasha
15. faldy garvano
16. iyus nyinyus
17. azka ananda putri
18. dinar
19. dini
20. nina
21. irfan hilmi utomo
22. raditya dika
23. ahlam
24. bu tri
25. mia
26. vira
27. deti yuliani
28. niken
29. yogi
30. dillah


How did you met 10 ?
- itu temen gila nya si dena , anak marawis juga . pertama kali ketemu di Masjid

What would you do if you had never met 6 ?
- marawis SMA Al Azhar 4 akan terpuruk

What would you do if 20 and 15 dated ?
- haha biasa ajaa wkwk padahal 20 udh punya pacar

If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be ?
- gak dua duanya dah

Did you ever like 9 ?
- as a crazy friend , yes .

Have you ever seen 4 cry ?
- waduh belum tuh

Would 4 and 12 make a good couple ?
- i don't think so ...

Would 1 and 2 make a good couple ?
- what the hell crazy question is it .. damn holy shit

Describe 8
- anaknya diem , kocak , blogger juga , kreatif hem , dan telah menghantar kan gua keluar dari gerbang ke gaptekan

Do you like 12 ?
- hemm ... as a friend ! i've told you !!

Tell me something about 17
- my sister .

What's 7's favorite color
- i don't know ..

What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you ?
- hah ?

When was the last time you talked to 15 ?
- kemaren siang

How do you think 19 feels about you ?
- gua gak bisa baca pikiran orang

What languages does 13 speak ?
- bahasa indonesia , bahasa patah hati , bahasa d'masiv ( cause she's a massivers ! ) , bahasa cmz cmz , bahasa binatang ( juga bisa ) , bahasa wanita yang sakit hati , bahasa lebay , bahasa planet , bahasa alien , dan segala macam bahasa yang 8*&&@^!&(@**^!%

Who is 2 going out with ?
- ups , it's secret

What grade is 16 in ?
- kelas 1 SMA , sama kayak gua

What is 5' favorite music ?
- musik jaman sekarang lah masa musik mozart

Would you ever date 3 ?
- najis tralala ..

Is 11 single ?
- hell no , she's mine :)

What is 10's last name ?
- Amin

Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7 ?
- umm ....

Where does 18 live ?
- Republik Indonesia

What do you think about 20 ?
- gimana ya gatau deh

What is the best thing about 4 ?
- he's a best bestfriend i've ever had

Is 21 - hard working ?
- of course !! . he just try to lose his weight as hard as he can . ( standing ovation )

What would you like to tell 14 right now ?
- woo lebay

Would you kiss 25 ?
- anjrit

Have you hugged/kissed 13?
- masya Allah , suram

Who is 24 ?
- manusia (?) . diragukan ..

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